
Laser welding machine

  • Handheld laser welding machine

    Handheld laser welding machine

    Working principle editing broadcast

    Laser welding is to use high -energy laser pulses to perform local heating in the micro area with high -energy laser pulses. The energy of laser radiation is performed by melting the material through the internal diffusion of the thermal guide material to form a specific melting pool. It is a new type of welding method. It is mainly aimed at the welding of thin -walled materials and precision parts. It can realize point welding, connecting welding, stacked welding, sealing welding, etc. The deep ratio is high, the weld width is small, the heat affects the area is small, and the heat affects the area is small. Small deformation, fast welding speed, flat welding seams and aesthetics, no treatment after welding or simply processing, high weld quality, no pores, accurate control, small light points, high positioning accuracy, and easy to achieve automation.

  • Laser cleaning machine

    Laser cleaning machine

    Laser cleaning machine is a machine that uses a high-energy laser beam to remove unnecessary materials such as rust and oil stains from the surface of the equipment. The Suner laser cleaning machine uses high-frequency high-energy laser pulses to irradiate the surface of the workpiece, and the coating layer can instantly absorb the focused laser energy, causing the oil stains, rust spots, or coatings on the surface to evaporate or peel off, effectively removing surface attachments or coatings at high speed, A laser pulse with a short operating time will not harm the metal substrate under appropriate parameters.

  • Handheld laser welding machine

    Handheld laser welding machine

    Laser welding is to use high -energy laser pulses to perform local heating in the micro area with high -energy laser pulses. The energy of laser radiation is performed by melting the material through the internal diffusion of the thermal guide material to form a specific melting pool. ustry, clothing industry, shoemaking industry, advertising industry, etc